Escrow.com 是:
- 在线托管服务能为买卖双方提供安全快捷的交易渠道
- 一个受政府授权、法律监管的托管平台
- 一直以来接受政府监管
- 深入了解托管服务流程
- 最安全最可信的交易平台
Escrow.com 的总部设在旧金山和加利福尼亚,我们为在线托管和电子商务提供可靠的支付平台。
在线托管行业中,Escrow.com 处于领先地位。1999年,该公司注册于富达国民金融(Fidelity National Financial)。如今,Escrow.com 已经为大量商务、消费者交易提供安全保障,成为行业中的佼佼者。Escrow.com 于2015年被 Freelancer.com(ASX:FLN)收购。
Escrow.com 所提供的托管服务由互联网托管服务商(Internet Escrow Services)独家提供,IES 作为拥有充分授权并获得多项认证,它符合所有适用的托管法规, 受包括加州财政机构监管,符合商业准则。
Matt Barrie
CEO and PresidentMatt Barrie is an award winning entrepreneur, technologist and lecturer, having won numerous awards including being named the inaugural BRW Entrepreneur of the Year in 2011. Matt was previously founder and CEO of Sensory Networks Inc., a vendor of high performance network security processors, which Intel Corporation (NASDAQ: INTC) announced in 2013 it was acquiring. Matt is also an Adjunct Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical and Information Engineering at the University of Sydney, where for the last 12 years he has taught Cryptography, and from 2010, Technology Entrepreneurship. He is the co-author of over 20 US patent applications.
Jackson Elsegood
General ManagerJackson Elsegood is responsible for directing the strategic development of Escrow.com and execution of escrow activities. Previously with First Data and PwC, Jackson brings over ten years of international payments experience to the team and is dedicated to working closely with our customers to help them to do business all over the world. Jackson is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia and holds a bachelor's degree from Sydney's Macquarie University.
Neil Katz
Chief Financial OfficerNeil Katz is responsible for the finance and administration functions of the Company. Neil has over 20 years experience in finance, accounting and general management. Neil has held CFO roles at a number of technology companies, including IPscape, Threatmetrix, Sensory Networks and Aptrix. Neil holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) degree in Financial Management obtained from the University of Cape Town, South Africa, and is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia.
Diana Yesin
Escrow ManagerDiana Yesin is our Escrow Manager and is responsible for managing all funds held on behalf of our customers. Diana manages the escrow operations of Escrow.com from incoming funds to disbursement and is responsible for both internal and external audits. Escrow Manager is a designation that requires approval from the California Department of Business Oversight, which has been granted to Diana due to her years of experience in accounting and payments.
Greg Robinson
Vice President of ComplianceGreg is responsible for the development and maintenance of the governance and compliance risk programs to support the business. Greg has relevant experience working as a compliance professional and has spent a large part of the past 10 years focusing on governance and compliance issues in the online environment. Greg is a Senior Associate of the Financial Services Institute of Australasia and an Associate of the GRCI (Governance Risk and Compliance Institute).
Christopher Wong
Director of ProductChris is responsible for overseeing engineering, account management and business operations, working with key stakeholders and ensuring timely and proper execution of goals across the business. Chris also acts as the Product Lead for Payments and Trust and Safety group at Freelancer.com. Before joining Freelancer, Chris has worked in leadership roles within payments at Bambora as well as eCommerce industry at Next Commerce as their Head of Product. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Information Systems from the University of Sydney.
Chris Trotman
Associate Vice President of ArchitectureChris is responsible for the engineering teams, overseeing all changes to the website and back office services. Chris brings with him years of experience developing and maintaining software systems used by millions of people and is focused on the stability and scalability of Escrow.com. Chris holds a Bachelor of Science in Information Systems from the University of Auckland, New Zealand.
Michael Liedtke
Engineering Manager, Applications and APIMichael Liedtke has been building SaaS products and services for the past 16 years. Joining Escrow at the end of 2015, he splits his time between engineering, product, business development, and sales, working closely with partners to help ensure their success. Michael has a Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science from Colby College and a Master of Public Health in Epidemiology from the University of Colorado Denver.